Let's get started shall we? Since I figured that I could have multiple "blogs" for lack of a better term on a single webpage, I figured "what the *bleep*" and do another one from another setting I have been engineering for a while. And yes, it's based off of my passion for Japanese Animation and yes, it has giant robots in it. Steam powered giant robots might I add. Well scratch that, one continent has steam powered giant robots heated by magical fire crystals/stones expunged by volcanoes while another are powered by the magical energies generated by and radiated by its pilot and all are descended upon clockwork punk robots that are powered by magical energy crystals and stones that are-
Anyway, this time it hails from fantasy adventure, such tales of swords and sorcery such as the Lord of the Rings, Conan the Crimmerian of the Hyperborean Age, and the Record of Lodoss War that I saw on Sci-Fi Anime all those years ago, back when Sci-Fi was called "Sci-Fi", not Sy-Fy.
........What? It's real? I even gave a hyperlink. It's not like I did that whole Rule of Three thing with the shows and- NO WAIT DON'T-
Apparently some of you didn't read the warning.....
Okay, now that we've all collectively wasted at least hours off of our lifespan from that hyperlink, let's continue. Anyway, my fantasy setting is tentatively called The Mystical Quests of Erde.
What? You expected something literal or even poetic? Clearly you have not seen much anime.
Basically the setting is that of an Fictional World not too uncommon in most of High Fantasy, a world on the brink of change; technologically, socially, culturally, and politically. A world caught in the loose grip of an ice age across the twelve continents of Thule Borealis, Thule Australis, Europa, Orien, Aprica, Sahul, Antartikos, Terra Australis, Aotearoa, Auritea, Kantapuranam, and Mu where many of the fauna long extinct upon our world now thrive along side mythical creatures long seen as works of fiction and humanity, under a different name, is not alone, yet not without control of the magical energies that flow between the heavens, the earth, and life itself. A world where technological progress is somewhere in between clockwork punk and steam punk with the ruins of sandal punk civilizations scattered across the landscape to remind many of a Golden Age long past, and of course, giant steampunk robots.
Didn't think I would make an anime reference did ya?
Anyway, the central story (once I get all the bugs worked out) centers around a highschool girl from our world (one version or another, it involves inter-dimensional time dilatation common to those of the Trapped in Another World shows, especially in between quests. Did I mention that it's inconsistent nearly all of the time?) named Kimiko Samson who finds herself upon this other fantasy world of Erde and soon becomes aware of her new status as the most powerful Mage in the entire solar system of Helios-Invidia. Naturally, she is pulled along quest after quest but is always helped by the Princeps Corona of Lloegr and scholar Llwch Lancelot Pendrakon and his companion Wyvern Snowflake, the mysterious traveler Alucard Dalv (Many of you have already guessed who this really is by now. If not, you really don't know vampires do you?), the former Roman Centurion Cashius Lupus Arbirus who fancies the Labrys as a massive battle ax, and the Nihon Swordsman Date Masamune who is apply skilled the welding of dual bokken.
Well that's the gist of it. Of course there's more detail to the world as the numerous hyperlinks would suggest such as alternate history, fantasy races, radical weapons designs and the like, and perhaps a cameo with a historical figure or two. All that and more will be revealed, in time, in future blog entries.

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